Grips, Tape & Padding Home / Components / Handlebars, Grips & Tape / Grips, Tape & Padding / Strong J Grips Strong J Grips Strong J Grips £36.00 Stock Status: In Stock The ultimate in track bar grips Add to your Wish List Information Specifications Reviews The ultimate in track racing grips. Made from a proprietary resin compound which is thicker and grippier than the classic Strong V grips. The clear resin sports a nifty embossed cherry blossom pattern, symbolising the beauty, transience and fragility of life. As the enclosed documentation says: "Strong J grip can put out the originality to the handlebar by freely designing because it is transparent" There's also a caution: "Although extended for the business of a balloon, it may split to a sharp crack" No idea what that means,...... 175mm long. Brand: Strong Weight: 0.2kg Customer reviews No reviews left yet Write A Review Sort byMost RecentTop Rated No reviews have been left for this product, be the first to leave a review